Feigel Niles


16 Apr: What’s Faith Got To Do With It? How a young Guyanese woman paddled her way to the shore of success with mustard seed faith.

This book features the first twenty seven years of my life. Faith has played an integral role which has fueled my path to a successful life. If I had to live my life all over, I would choose faith as a guide. According to Pastor Andrew Chichester of the Guyana Conference of Seventh Day Adventist located in Guyana, South America, He said, “Using the powerful theme of Faith, Ms Niles has been able to capture and put into perspective her deep and sincere encounter with God. She draws from her personal experience practical lessons that are truly inspirational and motivating in nature.”


17 May: Celebrating our Graduates: Congratulations to the Amelia’s Ward USCians -They Rock!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  This five young women definitely epitomize this phrase. Meet Trea, Michelle, Sonya, Corlecia and Feigel who reign from the small town of Amelia Ward Linden in Guyana, and playfully call themselves the “Amelia’s Ward USCians.” These “beauties with brains” all attended the University of Southern Caribbean (USC) in Trinidad; an affiliate of Andrews University in Michigan and over the years have form a…