

04 May: She Rocks! Dionne Hammiel, Recipient of the 2015 Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Awards

Sometimes, when Dionne Hammiel wants the attention of her rambunctious kindergarten class, she stands on the table. Other times, she lowers her voice to a whisper, making her instructions a very important secret that every child strains to hear. The hushed message at John Burroughs Education Campus in the District was utterly routine on a recent day: “We need to go to the bathroom, drink some water, come back, and pick out our books to…

03 May: My Guyanese Mom Rocks Mother’s Day Contest WINNER IS..

Congratulations to the winner of our mother’s day contest, Malissa G,  who answered “My Guyanese Mom Rocks because she is our Rock & Foundation!  Malissa will received this beautiful custom made GGR rhinestone watch!  Thank you to everyone who participated and HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! THE CONTEST… Mother’s Day is one week away and GGR wants to give a lucky Mom a special gift!  Complete this sentence [ON FACEBOOK] for a chance to win a GGR Rhinestone Watch.    “My…