If you’re ever visiting the beautiful Turks and Caicos Islands, make sure you check out the Oceanscapes Spa. Owner Latoya Jones is a proud Guyanese who now resides on the Islands with her husband and two daughters. Prior to leaving Guyana in 1998, Latoya attended St. Joseph High School, St. Stanilaus College, then went on to study at the University of Guyana.
In November 2011, Latoya opened Oceanscapes Spa at 2 locations on the Turks And Caicos Islands. The first location at the Bohio Dive Resort is a beacon cabana completed with screens and offers an individual and personalized beach front experience.
The second spa is located beach side at the White Sands Beach Resort, which a very popular location for Cruise ship passengers. It is located next to Grand Turk Cruise Center on the southern end of the island. The spa locale is a thatched roof tea hut, which will give your spa treatment that added island flair. Guest are encouraged to arrive in a bathing suit or comfortably dressed and can indulge in the many different packages such as Sand Dollar Package, OS Ultimate Bliss, Bohio Divers Special and there is also a package for the guys.
Whether you are a cruise passenger or is simply looking to unwind and immerse yourself in the Grand Turk experience, stop by and show some GT love to the Oceanscapes Spa. Professionally trained and licensed therapists will make this an unforgettable visit. For more information on Oceanscape Spas visit the website at http://www.oceanscapesspa.com or become a Fan on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/GrandTurkSpa.
This Guyanese Girl is definitely an inspiration and she Rocks!