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Guyanese-born Onyka Barrett to address Jamaica Stock Exchange Conference

Guyanese-born Onyka Barrett to address JSE conference

SOURCE: SKIN VIBES  | GUYANESE-BORN ONYKA BARRETT IS ONE OF AT LEAST FOUR CONFIRMED FEMALE SPEAKERS to address the 19th Conference of the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) scheduled for the Jamaica Pegasus next week under the theme ‘The Drivers of Capital: From Concept to Growth’.

Barrett is CEO & Social Impact Strategist at Pinnacle Impact International Limited and conference organisers want participants benefit from her 16 years of expertise working with multilaterals, international and local non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

In her almost two decades of work, she has dedicated herself to human and economic development strategically positioning her to create and direct projects, and collaborate with multiple partners across the Caribbean, Latin America, and Africa in countries such as Ghana and Kenya.

Guyanese-born Onyka Barrett to address JSE conference

Her peers agree she is a big picture thinking female with results-oriented attitude, and blessed with the ability to “motivate others into transformative action.”

Miss Barrett has significant experience in strategising with government agencies across several Caribbean territories helping them create initiatives targeting key national priorities such as sustainable development, social enterprise development, triple-bottom-line impact, national policy and human resource developments.

In the three-year period between 2015 and 2017 she served as Co-Chair of the Social Enterprise Policy Committee, an initiative of the Planning Institute of Jamaica and then Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture & Fisheries. She was also appointed by the Port-of-Spain Cabinet for a 3-year stunt to serve on the Inter-Ministerial Committee responsible for monitoring the National Plan of Action for Children.

She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Jamaica Social Stock Exchange (JSSE). She was General Manager of the JN Foundation between 2018 to 2020.

In the three-year period between 2015 and 2017 she served as Co-Chair of the Social Enterprise Policy Committee, an initiative of the Planning Institute of Jamaica and then Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture & Fisheries. She was also appointed by the Port-of-Spain Cabinet for a 3-year stunt to serve on the Inter-Ministerial Committee responsible for monitoring the National Plan of Action for Children.

She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Jamaica Social Stock Exchange (JSSE). She was General Manager of the JN Foundation between 2018 to 2020.


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