
Being a Healthy

08 Dec: Give Yourself the Gift of Health this Holiday Season!

The holiday season is the time to celebrate and give thanks. It’s also very difficult to stay healthy during this festive time since it’s filled with parties, family gatherings, and lots and lots of food! Don’t forget to pay special attention to your health this holiday season. Try to find the right balance between enjoying yourself at celebrations and maintaining a healthy diet. Indulge a little but give the gift of health to yourself by…

Being a queen

01 Sep: What’s stopping you from being the queen of your own domain…

Why wait to be someone else’s queen when you can be your own queen!  The word Queen means woman – any women – a woman with or without riches, fame, position; women from any background, color or creed; women limbless or able-bodied; a Queen of her domain, a Queen to her King; her husband, a Queen is a woman, a woman is a Queen (Wisdom Beyond Being).  So what’s stopping you from being the queen…

GGR Empowerment Quotes

29 Jun: Walk away from people who don’t motivate or inspire you…

You cannot always count on everyone to support your dreams, but having people in your circle who are constantly exuding negative energy can be quite exhausting and discouraging. We all need friends in our corner, even a few cheerleaders, but it should not be at the expense of you following your ambitions. You should walk away from the ones who don’t motivate, inspire or uplift you.

12 Feb: Every woman should have and know most of these things…

“A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to… A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour… A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE … a youth she’s content to leave behind…. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. a past juicy enough that…

04 Jan: Balance you Life – Life is Better IN Balance!

Are you enjoying BALANCE between work & play, family & friends, sleep & activity, chores & fun? Pay attention to what feels out-of-balance in your life, then focus on the steps needed to tip things in your favor to improve the health of your mind, body, and Spirit. Focus on finding BALANCE in your thoughts and actions. Remember – Life is Better IN Balance! .