Delene Musielak is a dual Board Certified doctor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. She is the Associate Program Director of Internal Medicine Residency Program at St. Luke’s Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Delene is also a busy mother of triplets and a life, health, wellness and parenting coach. Yet she finds time to produce “The Doctor Mom Show” in St. Louis, which serves as a medical resource for patients and parents.
Add to that her start -up Telemedicine Company, Need A Doc LLC; writing a book and doing medical ministry and you wonder where does she find the time to do all this? It comes from parents who grounded her and her older sister Kenise Etwaru in their church from Guyana on into Richmond Hill, Queens, New York where the family settled when she was six years old. The Etwarus’ Pastor Lionel and wife Margaret lead Global Christian Ministries, and have seen their love pay off in their children’s successes.
Delene Musielak created and executive produces the Doctor Mom Show; spearheaded the startup of Need A Doc LLC which aids patients who may not be able to get to her office for diagnosis and care. She is also an author having written a book Dr. MOM and a woman’s devotional called M.O.M which stands for Meditate Overcome Motivate which speaks to her influence in her community of young mothers like herself with busy lives and careers. She is working in her next book which is a Mommy & Me Devotional. Dr. Musielak has plans to add to her busy schedule doing more than sending supplies to Guyana; she will be embarking on free medical missions in 2020 in the land of native birth and would like to pioneer her medical clinic the country as she engages more back home about the medical needs many need.
She told her parents that she wanted to be a doctor as a young child and that is exactly what she pushed to do. After earning her medical degree, she went on to train in not one but two specialties. Dr. Musielak is dual-boarded in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. She cares for the whole spectrum… as she says, “From the cradle to the grave.” Dr. Musielak has not only made her mark in her local community, but is also involved on a national level in making changes that impact medical care. She does not stop there though; she has persevered and continues to challenge herself to be a leader and the best at everything she does; not only as a full-time physician, but also as a super mom of triplets, and the wife of an amazing surgeon, an author, motivational and wellness speaker and an entrepreneur. She has plans to take her medical knowledge back to Guyana to do medical mission and maybe open a clinic in her homeland. Having done assistant research at Stony Brook University Department of Psychology, in New York, she compiled patients’ information, transcribed interviews and researched material for a project entitled, “Menopausal Therapy in Women at Increased Risk for Breast Cancer: Does a Personalized Risk Assessment and Counseling Intervention Aid in Decision-Making?” and “Identifying a combination of clinical signs and symptoms that are diagnostic markers in children with streptococcal pharyngitis.” Chart review looking at specific signs and symptoms that could possibly be diagnostic for streptococcal pharyngitis.
Her research findings are found in several publications Larson E, Etwaru D, Siva C, Lawlor K. “Report of anti-CCP antibody positive paraneoplastic polyarthritis and review of the literature.” Rheumatol Int, 2011;31:1635-1638.
Musielak, D. Teaching Peds Residents How to CARE About Patient Advocacy. AAP District VI Newsletter.
Ashraf I, Musielak D, Paracha S, et al. Case of the month. Coccidioidomycosis. Missouri Hospitalist
Musielak, D. M.O.M. – Meditate. Overcome. Motivate. – A 30-Day Women’s Devotional.
Musielak, D. The Tripsies & Me Children’s Book. – Publication date: August 2019.
She has faced challenges being a minority and a woman in her field; because people don’t always take her seriously; she cites that it’s ironic that her husband always gets called Dr. Musielak and somehow she just becomes Delene. I have also learned that other women have difficulty seeing other women succeed, and are less likely to support their success.
As a businesswoman she feels that women can succeed better by being mentors; encouraging and lifting other females up instead of always competing. She is working on her first children’s book that should be coming in July/August 2019. It’s a Mommy & Me Devotional. Her words to live by include “never give up” If you have something or multiple things you want to accomplish, do it! Don’t let doubt win, because you never know what successes you can have unless you try.
Dr. Musielak’s goal is to impact those around her by encouraging and empowering them to reach their maximum potential. She enjoys sharing her own life experiences to help others.
Rock on Dr. Musielak!
Great mission the sky is the limit
Congratulations Dr. Musielak, for serving the world with your gifts. You’re an accomplished woman of God and I salute you and pray God’s best for you and your family.