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GGR Book Club: Communication, Power and Change & more Books by Paloma Mohamed

Power and Change in the Caribbean

Communication Power and Change in the Caribbean takes a fascinating, holistic, multi-level actor-oriented approach to examining social change in two Caribbean countries. Paloma Mohamed evaluates the power of various communicative artefacts produced by various strata in those societies, investigating what constitutes this power, how it is used, how it is maintained and whose interests are served. The result is a richly researched, deeply thoughtful and passionately argued case for placing communication at the core of evaluations of power and change in the world.

Communication, Power and Change in the Caribbean Paloma Mohamed: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Paloma MohamedAUTHOR’S BIO:  Paloma Mohamed was born in Georgetown, Guyana. She was educated at the University of Guyana, Harvard University and the University of the West Indies. She is an essayist and a prize winning playwright and director. She has won the coveted Guyana Prize for literature on two ocassions. Paloma Mohamed has taught drama in Guyana and is one of the drafters of the current drama curriculm in that country.

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