Maya A. Trotz, Ph.D., born in Georgetown, Guyana is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida (USF), Tampa. She works at the nexus of geochemistry/water quality and global/community sustainability and education with current and previous student research projects in Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Bolivia, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, and Peru. She currently holds a patent on “Functional composites formed from colloidal polymer particles with photocatalytic metal oxide nanoparticles.”
Dr. Trotz’s interests are interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, applied and seek to forge non-‐ traditional university partnerships. She is a faculty mentor for USF’s Peace Corps Master’s International Program in Water. She currently directs sustainability driven research and education programs for graduate students, undergraduate students, and teachers, funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the US, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Education. These include NSF funded “Research Experience for Undergraduates” and “Research Experience for Teachers” programs at USF. As a Visiting Research Scientist at the Caribbean Science Foundation in Barbados during the 2013 academic year she helped to develop and implement the inaugural Sagicor Visionaries Challenge for high school students in 12 different Caribbean countries. Sponsored by Sagicor, the Caribbean Science Foundation, and the Caribbean Examinations Council this challenge asked students to identify a challenge facing their school and/or community, propose a sustainable and innovative solution and demonstrate how that solution used science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Dr. Trotz received a bachelor’s in chemical engineering with a minor in theater from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and then a master’s and doctorate in environmental engineering from Stanford University. As a Postdoc she taught at the National Technological University in Singapore on behalf of Stanford University.
You can learn more about Dr. Trotz’s research and accomplishments HERE
Renowned Environmental Engineer, Dr. Maya Trotz, is a ‘Special Person’
Beautiful Smile So nice Kiss = <3
Congratulations, proud of you Dr.
Guyanese 200%
Flattered to be on here. Thanks for taking the time to put this up.
My pleasure Dr. Trotz. Not sure if you received my earlier email, but I will send again. Cloyette.
Girl, not sure where you sent it to. I think I remember Skype? Last year has been a blur, so sorry for not responding.
Hi five Doc!!! Guyanese girls really rock!
Rock girl Rock